8 October 2012

mini kuš! #13

mini kuš! #13 could have your name on it!

We just released four new mini kuš! and are very excited how they turned out, so we decided to print four more before Christmas! The mini kuš! #10-12 are ready to be published, but we have one more printing slot which could be for your comics!

- Theme: The overall theme of the minis are "modern heroes", but this is very open to interpretation!
- Form: Comics 
- Pages: exactly 24 (we like to print one long 24-page story, but we also accept submissions with less pages, for example one story could be 20 pages, and the second one 4, or even 24 1-page-comics, however, the total must be 24)
- Cover: Including cover the little book will have 28 pages, the inside cover is blank, you can design the cover after the deadline 
- Title: Give the story a title (it will be printed on the cover)
- Language: English (leave some space for Latvian subtitles)
- Format of each page: DIN A6, width 105mm × height 148mm 
- Colors: Yes, CMYK 
- Resolution: 300 dpi, as tiff or pdf
- Submit only low resolution jpgs, but big enough to read
- Send to kushmens(at)gmail(.)com
- Deadline: 1st of November 2012

Additional info: 
- Your comics doesn't have to be made especially for this! It can be a comics which you already published somewhere else, tell when you submit it, where your comics has been published before
- We also accept submissions in Latvian, German or French if it is in any other language, please include an English translation file and be aware, that if we select your work, we need to have it lettered pretty quickly...
- We accept submissions from all around the world, we might prioritize submissions from the Baltics, Russia and Scandinavia, but really everyone can submit!
- You keep your copyrights, you just give us the rights for this print run, after you are free to print the comics anywhere else 
- if you haven't seen mini kuš! before, take a look on our tumblr
- take a good look at the format requirements, when making open calls for š!, quite often we need to reject works, because the format isn't right (often too big, or landscape instead of portrait)
- The jury consists of the regular kuš! editors and it's shadow office
- We reserve the right NOT to publish any of the submitted works, or publish more than one!

What you get:
- We print 800 copies of the mini kuš! and you get 100 copies for yourself. So you'll have some pretty good personal Christmas gifts, or of course you can also sell them, make wallpaper or send to bigger publishers or festivals to promote your work!
- You get 5 copies each of the other 3 mini kuš! that will be published in the end of November
- Also you will get the newest issue of š!
- We'll do our best to further promote your work

More questions?
- Use the comment section below or write to kushmens(at)gmail(.)com

So feel free to spread this info, we highly look forward to your comics! Once we receive your submission, we will send you a confirmation mail, if we don't do that, better write us and ask if we got the comics... We will make our choice until the 10th of November and announce on our blog, which story will be published. Good luck!


  1. If you somehow don't meet this crazy fast deadline, you can also send us the unfinished work for consideration!

  2. I can't wait to know who is the winner!

  3. We'll probably announce the winner after our 'Comics Artventures' week, but first we need to do the layout. We think we found a real gem:)

  4. I'm burning in curiosity! :)))

  5. and the winner is... Amanda Baeza with 'Our Library'! We are very happy to release her comics in January! visit her site: http://www.mrspoqui.com/
