22 April 2014

š! #17 'Sweet Romance' Preview

On the 10th of May 2014 we debuted š! #17 'Sweet Romance' at the Toronto Comics Arts Festival.

It's spring and love is in the air! Right in time for the spring fever we release š! #17 dedicated to the theme 'Sweet Romance'. Twenty-one international artists contributed stories about love, not all as sweet as your dreams, some will outright tear your heart out and crush it. Just like real romance, this issue shows love in all it's facets.

Cover: by Patrick Kyle

Contributors: Aisha Franz (Germany), Akvilė Misevičiūtė (Lithuania), Ayumu Arisaka (Japan), Berliac (Argentina), Betty Liang (Canada), Dace Sietina (Latvia), Emma Rendel (Sweden), Ginette Lapalme (Canada), Heta Bilaletdin (Finland), Inger Zivana M. Torvund (Norway), Ingrīda Pičukāne (Latvia), Jesse Lucas (USA), König Lü.Q. (Switzerland), Laila Milevski (USA/Latvia), Liisa Kruusmägi (Estonia), Līva Kandevica (Latvia), Patrick Kyle (Canada), Pixin (Singapore), Raids Kalniņš (Latvia), Tomasz Niewiadomski (Poland), Yvang (France).

Specs: š! #17 'Sweet Romance', format DIN A6 (4.1 × 5.8 inches), 21 artists, 164 pages, full-color, perfect bound, English, locally printed in Riga on environmentally friendly paper, ISBN 978-9934-518-12-6 , released on 15th of May 2014.

Get it: Order here for $14.00 (worldwide shipping costs and a free bookmark and postcard included in price) or get a kuš! half year subscription and receive also the next three issues delivered right to your house.

Sample pages:

Aisha Franz 

Ayumu Arisaka


Betty Liang

Heta Bilaletdin

Inger Zivana M. Torvund

Liisa Kruusmägi

Līva Kandevica

Tomasz Niewiadomski


... and many more! To see the rest of the issue, better order it now! If you have a shop and would like to sell š!, just write us a mail to komikss(at)gmail(dot)com and we'll tell you our wholesale conditions.


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