11 December 2010

kuš! on ecrater

After reading Josh Blair's thoughts about selling comics on etsy (see report here) we thought we also might give it a try and set up a webshop.So now you can buy kuš! also on http://kushkomikss.ecrater.com/ if you want. But you still may just choose what you want on www.komikss.lv and send us an e-mail. However for Latvians it is still easiest to go to any of these (real) stores to get your kuš!: Galerija Istaba, MiiT, Satori Bookshop, Muhamors, Randoms, Lukabuka, Tasty Telpa or Janis Roze.


  1. Hey, thanks for reading my blog and for the mention!

  2. Yay, Josh! Thanks to you we finally made a webshop! Hope other people will also give it a try...

  3. That's great news. kuš! is one of my favorite books out there. I haven't set up on ecrater shop yet. I might give it a try.

  4. Well thanks for your compliments! Ecrater setup is quite easy, so why not also try it. Etsy seems to be nicer though, but it looks like kuš! doesn't fit in any of the categories...
