17 May 2011

Hans Gern's Hausparty

It is already a while ago we were in Switzerland, but the internet in that country was so slow, it prevented us to report much. So now is the time to make it up...
Not only did we visit the marvelous Fumetto, but we also got invited to Hans Gern's Hausparty, which was certainly one of the highest highlights of an anyhow already very pleasant visit. It wasn't  an ordinary party, it featured next to tons of Bratwurst and a rock concert also the most dangerous indoor bike race ever. However, everybody survived, that is good, so we could better enjoy the great decorations which were created by Hans Gern's friends from Ampelmagazin (among others Anja Wicki, Luca Bartulovic and Markus Häfliger). Markus is responsible also for the photos (below) and the best ever Hausparty flyer (above). Unfortunately we don't have any pics from the real action, but you should check out how the venue looked like:


UPDATE: Markus sent us also some pics of the action:

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